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At The Stoplight | 1 John 2:5-6

Photo Credit -  Timothy Ritz By this we may know that we are in him: whoever says he abides in him ought to walk in the same way in which he walked.  -- I falter at a stoplight in Tel Aviv and the traffic rushes by.  He ran forward with confidence. Of course he did - his mind was like a lightning bolt, always obeying him as he acted. He beat the light and the angsty pedal-foot of an Israeli man driving home from work, but I hesitated. Only a second, only a breath too long, but it was still enough. He stood on the other side of the road looking back towards me, blipping in and out of view as the cars jostled past us. We were twenty feet apart. I could still see him. But for all the world, it felt like a million miles.  What is the walk with Yahweh like?  We waddle behind Him as infants in the early days – surely the nation of Israel questioned Him like a child when they first had when they climbed out of Egypt's underbelly. “Why is the sky so big?” “Who are all these people?” “I’m h

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